Contemporary philosophical proposals for the university: Toward a philosophy of higher education

“The editors of this exciting new collection argue that university professors lack shared vocabularies for diagnosing the university’s current problems and deliberating together to resolve them. Each chapter then provides the critical resources, new vocabularies, and modes of organizing to move toward solutions. Readers will come away ready and eager to join a renewed dialogue about the future of the university.” – Leonard Waks, Professor of Educational Leadership at Temple University

“In this insightful and well-written work, Stoller recreates the idea of Bildung in terms of knowing and learning as creative action. Identifying similarities in Hans-Georg Gadamer and John Dewey, Stoller’s vision cuts through to essentials. The result is an original approach to teaching, learning, and knowing which presents an exceptional corrective to the increasing demands for educational conformity in the twenty-first century.” – Jim Garrison, Professor of Education at Virginia Tech